Monday, July 12, 2010

More Than Just Cute Socks

Well, it's been a while again, hasn't it?  What a busy summer we're having!  Between Scott's new work schedule and keeping up with our newly minted two-year-old, the days are just flying by!  
~Movie Star~

That being said, I've managed to finagle some me time, finally, after what seems like an eternity of pregnancy, and late night feedings and diaper changes and doctor's visits.  Has it really been almost three years since we started down this incredible road called "Parenthood"? Whew!  
~Happy Birthday, Romilly~

Roller Derby.  Sigh.  Where have you been my whole life?  Where were you when I was young and full of spunk?  The thing is, I knew you were out there.  You've courted me from the sidelines of my oft chaotic life for many years now.  Didn't I see you once in a bathroom stall in a dimly lit bar in a new an unfamiliar Seattle?  You were there, I'm sure, a blazing pink or maybe neon green poster luring women away from their cautious little lives into an thrilling and somewhat addictive "hobby" even then.  And surely we met again many times throughout those lazy, crazy,  and somewhat hazy, single-girl Sea-town years. Like star-crossed lovers the timing just wasn't right.  We were both so young, but oh! what I wouldn't give to know then what I know now (or at least have now some of the stay-out-and-play-all-day stamina I had then!)

Finally, the timing has clicked, so it seems, and though the spirit is willing, oh how the flesh yowls in agony!  To quote the famous Babe Ruthless "I am in love with this!" but it seems that my desire to be good and actually being good are two different things these days and the oldie but goody "patience is a virtue" has meaning for the first time in my life.

I am so amazed by the heart I see in the women around me at the practices.  No two girls on the team are the same off the rink but when we get out there it all changes and the Derby Desire takes us over heart and soul.  Women who may not have made it through a home workout tape will sweat for two hours in one-hundred degree heat perfecting their crossovers and jamming to score points like it meant life or death.  Injuries abound and the pain of the actual wound is less than the pain of having to sit on the sidelines and watch their sisters skate.

I can't wait to see how our team progresses over the coming months and to be a part of that progression.  In the mean time look forward to more posts (when I get around to it) about Derby and the ladies.  And remember, Roller Derby girls are more than just cute socks, I wouldn't mess with us!
~Knee C. Bash~
Have a nice day!

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