Monday, June 8, 2009

Why I feel I need yet another blog....

Let me introduce myself. I am a mommy. Yea for me! I love my baby and my husband. We are quite the little team, we three. We have a house in a suburb (never thought that would be us!) and we share it with my parents! Sandwich generation someone called it the other day.

Well, I hope you get to know us a little better as time goes on but this blog is mostly about our eating habits since it seems lately that is what we spend most of our days focusing on, especially it seems, me. I think maybe becuase I do most of the shopping, list making, meal planning etc. the recent weeks have turned me on my head and I don't really know where I stand anymore. Suddenly my trusty cookbooks and standby recipes are no longer so trusty and standbyish.

Let's start from the beginning. First there is me, I guess. 30 years old. Slugging around all the baby weight (and then some) on my 5 feet 4 inches. I have polycystic ovaries (look it up, that's its own blog) and a sweet tooth. Then there is hubby. Tall, thin, blond, Nordic-ly handsome and perfectly healthy (ha, we'll get to that). Baby is a gem. She is turning one next Saturday and so far so good. nothing worse than the occasionaly broccoli toot and some bad teething nights. She is pleasantly plump but not what we jokingly refer to as a "Jerry Springer" baby (you know the ones that are scarfing down pancakes, waffles and sausages four times a day while mama cries and cannot figure out why baby is tipping the scales at 150 pounds?) She is a beaut! Then there is grandma. She is ** years old. I think she woudl kill me if I put her age in. She is old enough to be my mom but not old enough to get a senior citizen's discount. There that should do it. She has diabetes (insulin dependent type II) and was recently diagnosed with hypertension and hyperlipidemia (the kickoff for the new fooding). Then there is good ole grandpa. Who does not seem old enough to be a grandpa, does not act like a grandpa when baby is not around and lives for midnight chili dogs and Tony's pizza. And of course has perfect labs. With the exception of a bout of diverticulitis about a year ago, he is healthy as an ox. Not fair.

So, this all started with G-ma's new diagnoses. No, I take that back. It started about 5 weeks ago when I decided that I did not want to eat meat for a month. I had done this once before and decided that it was time to do it for another round. Then mom got diagnosed with HBP. Things kinda snowballed and within two weeks she and I and hubby decided to forgo meat long term. So now I can say we are becoming vegetarians. Great for mom's high blood presure.

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